Through our IoT Flythings® platform we bring market value to the millions of data generated by Industry 4.0 in its multiple processes, turning them into useful, valuable and easy to visualise information.
Discover the advantages of a flexible platform, with a great capacity to incorporate information from different sources and adaptable to the specific needs of your company.

Observe, talk, learn and predict. Challenge the limits.
We are leaders in IoT thanks to our passion for innovation and our ability to incorporate the latest technical developments according to the needs of each client.
The application of new technologies allows Flythings® to observe, by integrating artificial vision systems; to converse through a chat based on generative artificial intelligence; to learn thanks to the analysis of the data incorporated; and to predict through its advanced algorithmic system.
We design the IoT platform your company needs,
find out how.
To guarantee the competitiveness of Flythings®, we integrate cutting-edge technological solutions such as artificial vision, artificial intelligence, predictive algorithms and virtual and augmented reality into the platform.
The implementation of new technologies within the platform is studied according to the needs of each client and adapted to them through a customised audit process.

Automating processes using artificial intelligence and the latest technology
An all-in-one information source
Flytex, the most recent example
FLYTEX project aims to transform video meetings and immersive environments by providing access to IoT data in videoconferencing applications, validating this technology in the agricultural sector. This innovative approach will contribute to advancing the agri-food sector through the application of IoT and XR technologies, enabling data-driven insights to improve the decision-making process.
The FLYTEX project has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action programme, via the CORTEX2 Open Call 1 issued and executed under the CORTEX2 project (Grant Agreement no. 01070192).
Abour ITG
We are a National Technology Centre officially recognised since 2012 by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, and our raison d’être is to improve the competitive capacity of companies, organisations and professionals through R&D&I and differential technology.