Origin and Structure
ITG was established in February 1991 as a private non-profit foundation in the city of A Coruña by the Official Associations of Architects, Civil Engineers and Industrial Engineers of Galicia, and declared of Galician interest by the Xunta de Galicia in Order of 18 June 1991 (Registered in the Register of Foundations of Galician Interest No. 1991/6 – C.I.F. G15305923).
In addition to the three founding members, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation includes the Official Association of Mining Engineers of Northwest Spain, the Official Association of Naval and Oceanic Engineers of Galicia, the Association of Agricultural Engineers of Galicia, the Galician Confederation of Businessmen, the Vice-rectors of Research of the Universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, and the Xunta de Galicia.
All of them are responsible for the representation, government and administration of the Foundation, assuming as non-delegable responsibilities the approval of the annual accounts and the formulation of budgets. . It is currently made up of 16 full members and 5 honorary members