CircRural 4.0
Towards a circular and smart approach to wastewater management in rural areas
Circ-RuRaL-4.0 proposes a radical transformation of wastewater treatment in rural areas in line with a new concept of wastewater treatment based on the efficient use of resources. The aim is to make wastewater management in rural areas energy-sufficient and to enable the recovery of essential nutrients such as phosphorus. This
This will involve equipping existing wastewater treatment plants with intelligent control technologies and advanced data analysis.
Leader: Asociación Centro Tecnológico Ceit-IK4
Partner: ITG, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, Asociación empresarial de investigación centro tecnológico nacional agroalimentario Extremadura. CTAEX, Universidade Nova de Lisboa- FCTUNL, Consorcio para la gestión de servicios medioambientales de la provincia de Badajoz- PROMEDIO, Águas de Portugal – SGPS, SA, Syndicat Mixte de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement de Haute-Garonne – SMEA31 – RESEAU31, Agencia EFE S.A.U. – S.M.E.