Field measurement with drones and augmented reality models

The project includes a challenge based on field measurements of 5G coverage in the vicinity of a communications antenna using drones. Real field surveys typically take five measurements around the towers. The proposed system will allow 360-degree measurements to be obtained in all directions of space. The improvement over the Ministry’s system consists of taking measurements of the entire area and at different heights using drones that create a three-dimensional “heat map.”
These maps can be viewed with the help of augmented reality applications, which will allow the coverage footprint (heat map) to be seen in a way superimposed on reality. In this way, a field technician equipped with mixed reality can view this coverage footprint on site and detect “hot” zones that may affect sensitive locations (schools, medical centers, parks, etc.).
ITG will collaborate with the Urbano Lugrís Institute in achieving the project objectives, on the one hand, by offering its facilities and technical support for the execution of the drone flights, and, on the other hand, by developing the Augmented Reality application.
The general objectives of the project are:
- Obtaining a functional model with intermodular possibilities.
- Increasing the knowledge of students in the Electricity/Electronics and Computer Science cycles.
- Mixed reality system for field measurement. Introduction of mixed reality in the institute’s specialties.
- Increasing the technical knowledge of teachers in electronics, radio communications, mobile networks, hardware, Linux operating systems and programming.
- Long-term collaboration with the Urbano Lugrís Institute for future projects.
Leader: Instituto FP Urbano Lugrís (A Coruña).
Partners: ITG