Joint Research Unit: Automatic Intelligent Systems for U-Space

Category Regional
Sectors Aerospace and Drone
Execution Period 2018 – 2021
Funding Xunta de Galicia – Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) IN853A2018/05


The objective of this Unit is the development of a technological solution to respond to the demand for highly automated services aligned with the new European U-SPACE paradigm, a regulatory and technical framework driven by the European institutions to facilitate the efficient and safe integration of drones in the airspace.

AIRUS will focus on the development of key services such as validation of flight plans according to technical and regulatory requirements, establishment of no-go areas, air traffic decongestion, strategic and tactical resolution of collision conflicts and real-time flight tracking. All this will be done through advanced functionalities that do not currently exist or whose level of maturity is low, which will help the project to compete in international markets and can also complement the current initiatives that the Xunta de Galicia has in the framework of the Civil UAVs Initiative.


ITG and EVERIS Aeroespacial y Defensa (Currently NNTT Data)

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