Category International
Sectors Agriculture and Livestock, Food Processing
Execution Period 2024-2026
Funding Horizon Europe. HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT-02-01


SIXFOLD is an initiative thar was born from the Smart Sensors 4 Agri-Food (SS4AF) platform. It aims to facilitate the implementation of deep technology in the agri-food sector, by building a solid network of Living Labs throughout the EU. This network will support a dynamic, regionally integrated ecosystem that thrives on deep technological innovations relevant to the agri-food industry.

Thus, it will encourage companies to experiment and implement technologies relevant to this sector, such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, robots and cobots or biotechnology.


SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Leader, Finlandia), AgriFood Capital (Países Bajos), AgriFood Lithuania (Lituania), Flanders‘ FOOD (Países Bajos), OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Alemania) e ITG. 

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